Consultants in architectural acoustics, environmental noise, mechanical noise, and industrial noise


Environmental noise impact assessments

Noise propagated from commercial and industrial developments can create annoyance in the community. We evaluate noise received along property lines and at sensitive locations by means of sound level measurements and  modeling. We explore alternatives to reduce noise emissions to comply with applicable community noise standards.

Interior architectural room designs for acoustics

The acoustics of spaces are important factors for  rooms used for speech and music.  We evaluate the acoustics of existing and proposed spaces by means of sound level measurements and modeling.  We develop designs for room size, shape, and layout and describe finish types and layouts, both to optimize the acoustics and control interior generated noise.

Building constructions for sound and impact isolation

Transmission of airborne noise, structure-borne noise, and impacts can disturb building occupants and reduce speech privacy.  Building codes and project standards may specify minimum degrees of  indoor and outdoor acoustic isolation and speech privacy between occupied spaces.  We test spaces for sound and impact transmission and speech privacy, evaluate plans for proposed spaces, and develop designs to improve the acoustic isolation of building spaces.

Building mechanical systems noise/vibration  

Noise and vibration from building mechanical systems can disturb building occupants. We evaluate sources of noise within existing spaces and associated with proposed spaces by means of measurements and  modeling. We evaluate mechanical room designs for sound insulation and evaluate selections of equipment, duct systems, and silencing to control noise.

Industrial noise surveys and noise control

Noise inside and outside of industrial plants can expose workers, interfere with speech communication, and prevent the hearing of audible warning signals. We measure machine noise, evaluate plans for proposed equipment, and develop recommendations for selections of equipment and machine noise control components.

Industrial Noise Environmental Noise Architectural Acoustics Building Constructions Mechanical Systems
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